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What is Royal?

Royal is a team-based (maximum 3 players per team) knockout mode taking place on four maps. Three of the maps are randomly selected from a pool of 20 maps, and one of the maps will always be the latest map added to the map pool. You can view the current map pool here.


Royal maps are comprised of 5 sections, each with increasing difficulty. The colors indicate the difficulty in the same order as the seasonal campaigns (white, green, blue, red, black). Royal maps usually involve moving objects, tricks, and air and speed control.

2 new tracks are added to the map pool every week on Wednesdays and Saturdays.


When the round starts, each team is placed on the white section of the track. Finishing the section grants you a number of stars, and you need 10 stars to progress to the next section.

The amount of stars you get is dependent on the records set during the match. If you are the first person to finish the section, you get 4 stars, and 2 points for your team. Beating the record afterwards will give 5 stars. There are also gold and silver records automatically calculated from the record time. Beating the gold record gives you 3 stars, and the silver record 2. If you are slower than silver, you will get 1 star for finishing. Getting 10 stars will give your team 1 point, and you will move onto the next section unless you are on the black section. For the black section, it will keep looping every time you finishes it.

Every time a player finishes a section, regardless of color, two seconds of bonus time is added to your team with a maximum of 10 per player. Bonus time is used at the very end of the round after the timer ends.

The team that gets the most points wins the round, and the teams that get the least get knocked out. The number of teams getting knocked out is dependent of the number of teams remaining. For most matches, it is 1 or 2 teams getting knocked out each round.

Author: Zai