How to create the Item xml file
Just create an empty text file (which has the extension ".txt" by default) and change its extension by renaming it {ItemName}.Item.xml
(for example: Slope_Base.Item.xml
Open this file in your favorite text editor (for example: Notepad++), and copy-paste the following template:
<Item Type="StaticObject" Collection="Stadium" AuthorName="YourAuthorName">
<MeshParamsLink File="Mesh/ItemName.MeshParams.xml"/>
<Waypoint Type="Checkpoint"/>
<Pivot Pos="0 0 0"/>
<Pivot Pos="0 0 -1.5"/>
<Pivot Pos="0 0 1.5"/>
<GridSnap HStep="8" VStep="2"/>
<Levitation VStep="2" GhostMode="true"/>
<PivotSnap Distance="0"/>
<Options OneAxisRotation="true" ManualPivotSwitch="true"/>
Then adapt it to your situation, according to the following explanations:
tag is mandatory- attributes:
is mandatory and should not be changed ("StaticObject")Collection
is mandatory and should not be changed ("Stadium")AuthorName
should be changed to the name you want to be called in the Trackmania creative community :)
- sub-tags:
tag is mandatory- attribute:
: Facultative. The relative path of the .MeshParams.xml next to the .fbx file. If omitted, the .MeshParams.xml will be expected to have the same name as current .Item.xml file and to be located in a sub-folder "Mesh".
tag is facultative. Use it only if you are making an item which is a special waypoint of the map, like a checkpoint or a finish line.- attribute:
: mandatory. Must be one of the following: "Start", "Checkpoint", "Finish", "StartFinish" ("StartFinish" is used for multilaps).- Note: this is not enough to make a valid waypoint item. See section How to make a waypoint item for more information.
tag is facultative. See section Pivots and placement parameters for more information.- sub-tags:
: put one Pivot tag for each pivot you want to add to your item.- attribute:
: Position of the pivot, in the base of your mesh. (0,0,0) would be the same origin as in the fbx file.
tag is facultative- attributes:
: Facultative. A positive real value in meters (0 by default). SeeGrid Horizontal Size
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more informationVStep
: Facultative. A positive real value in meters (0 by default). SeeGrid Vertical Size
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more information
tag is facultative- attributes:
: Facultative. A positive real value in meters (0 by default). SeeFly Step
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more informationGhostMode
: Facultative. A boolean value: "true" or "false" ("false" by default). SeeGhost Mode
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more information
tag is facultative- attribute:
: Mandatory. A positive real value in meters, or the special value -1 (-1 by default). SeePivot Snap Distance
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more information
tag is facultative- attributes:
: Facultative. A boolean value: "true" or "false" ("false" by default). SeeNot On Object
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more information.OneAxisRotation
: Facultative. A boolean value: "true" or "false" ("false" by default). SeeYaw Only
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more information.ManualPivotSwitch
: Facultative. A boolean value: "true" or "false" ("false" by default). SeeSwitch pivot manually
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more information.AutoRotation
: Facultative. A boolean value: "true" or "false" ("false" by default). SeeAuto Rotation
in section Pivots and placement parameters for more information.
You should get something like this:
<Item Type="StaticObject" Collection="Stadium" AuthorName="NadeoSamples">
<GridSnap HStep="8"/>
<Options OneAxisRotation="true"/>