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Competition plugin settings

Below is a reference of plugin settings available to use on the competition tool.

Be careful with value types

Each server setting has its specific type. If you input these values into the Round settings screen, it will be automatically converted to the selected type.

For example, if you would like to set a setting value to an empty string (""), you need to leave the value field blank.


Display a carousel of images.

Setting name Type Default value Description
S_AdImageUrls String "" Urls separated by a pipe character (\|).
Add a value to enable the plugin.


Settings used for qualifiers (round challenges).

Setting name Type Default value Description
S_UsePlayListComplete Boolean False Complete the challenge when the map playlist is over for the first time (forbid playlist loop).

Competition whitelist

Allow only the players registered to a competition to join a server.

Setting name Type Default value Description
S_UseCompetitionWhitelistPlugin Boolean False Enable the plugin.
S_CompetitionId String "" ID of the competition.

Match management

Automatically enabled for all matches.

Setting name Type Default value Description
S_AutoStartMode String "" Possible values:
- "": disabled
- "delay": automatically start the match at start date + delay
- "light": the match starts automatically right away after the server starts.
S_AutoStartDelay Integer 600 Delay in seconds used by the "delay" mode.
S_PickBanStartAuto Boolean False Automatically start a Pick & Ban phase during the match start time.
S_PickBanOrder String "" Sequence of string separated by a comma. Starting with "p" for pick or "b" for ban, followed by ":" and a number representing team position, player position or "r" for random (e.g. "b:1,b:0,p:0,p:1,p:r").
See more examples below.
S_EnableReadyManager Boolean True Do not depends on players readiness to automatically start the match
S_UseAutoReady Boolean False A connected player is automatically considered ready
S_ReadyStartRatio Integer 1.0 Minimum value the ratio “ready players”/“all players” must reach to start the match
S_ReadyMinimumTeamSize Integer 1 The minimum number of members a team needs to be considered ready
S_DisableForceSpectatorOnComplete Boolean False Do not force all players in spectator mode when the match is over

Examples for Match autostart

Start the match when all players are ready for the match, with 10-minute delay tolerance:

S_AutoStartMode = delay
S_AutoStartDelay = 600

Examples for S_PickBanOrder

Let's say Team A and Team B are participating in a match. Since Team A has the higher seed, they're listed first in the match participants list.

Team A and Team B listed in the match participants list.

Our pick and ban order is as follows.

Lower seed ban -> Higher seed ban -> Higher seed pick -> Lower seed pick -> Lower seed pick -> Higher seed pick -> Higher seed ban -> Lower seed ban -> Random pick

Since we already know that the higher seeded team is at position 0, and the lower seeded team is at position 1, we can set the S_PickBanOrder settings as follows:


The same can be done for solo competitions, where there can be more than 2 participants in a match.


The above setting can be read as follows: "start the ban phase from the lower seed to higher seed, then run the pick phase in reverse"

Message timer

Send a message in the chat every 75 seconds.

Setting name Type Default value Description
S_MessageTimer String "" The message to send. Add a value to enable the plugin.

Minimum rank

Display a popup and UI in-game to inform the players about the minimum rank required to qualify for the next round.

Setting name Type Default value Description
S_UsePlayerMinimumRankPlugin Boolean False Enable the plugin.
S_MinimumRank String 0 The rank to reach to be qualified.

Time limit

Limit the duration a player can stay on a server.

Setting name Type Default value Description
S_UseTimeLimitPlugin Boolean False Enable the plugin.
S_TimeLimitDuration Integer 300 The duration a player can stay on the server in seconds, based on the player's first connection to the server.

Trackmania UI

Setting name Type Default value Description
S_TrackmaniaUIProperties String "" Deprecated. The UI properties to hide. Add value to enable the plugin.

Example of a valid S_TrackmaniaUIProperties value

See all available options in this page.

<ui_properties><round_scores visible='false'/></ui_properties>