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How to play Cup of the Day?

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What is the Cup of the Day?

Cup of the Day is a daily competition that is being played in the Knockout game mode on the current Track Of The Day. COTD happens three times a day, once at 19:00 CE(S)T, at the same time as the new Track of the Day releases, and then again at 03:00 CE(S)T and 11:00 CE(S)T.

To participate in the Cup of the Day, you need to play on the Track Of The Day Arcade Room by the time it starts.

Qualification phase

Once it is time, the server will automatically switch to the Cup of the Day Qualification phase, in which you have ten minutes to finish the map initially and then five additional minutes to improve your time. If you do not manage to finish the map within those initial ten minutes, you will not qualify for Cup of the Day's Knockout phase.

Once the Qualification phase is over, your best time driven in those 15 minutes will determine your Qualification rank and you will be placed in a division of similarly skilled players (max. 64 players per division).

The higher your Qualification rank, the more trophies you earn.

Knockout phase

After the Qualification phase and a short waiting period, you will be automatically connected to your division's match server. Once all players in your division are ready (or the warmup timer expires, whichever comes first), the Knockout match will start.

Knockout format explained

In Trackmania's Knockout format, players all start a round at the same time and the players either finishing in the last positions or not finishing at all will be knocked out. The first round of each Knockout match is a warm-up round and nobody will face elimination. The last player to be remaining after all other players have been knocked out will be crowned the winner of their division.

Players remaining KOs per round
17 to 64 players 4
9 to 16 players 2
2 to 8 players 1

Trophies earned from playing Cup of the Day

During the Cup of the Day, you will have two occasions to earn trophies: during the Qualification phase, and during the Knockout phase. For the Qualification phase it is simple: the higher you are placed, the bigger your reward will be.

Time Attack Rank Trophies received Value
Top 1 1x Trophy 6 100,000
Top 2 9x Trophy 5 90,000
Top 3 7x Trophy 5 70,000
Top 10 5x Trophy 5 50,000
Top 50 3x Trophy 5 30,000
Top 100 1x Trophy 5 10,000
Top 250 9x Trophy 4 9,000
Top 500 6x Trophy 4 6,000
Top 1000 3x Trophy 4 3,000
Top 2500 1x Trophy 4 1,000
Top 10000+ 1x Trophy 3 100

For the Knockout mode, it will depend of two factors: the level of your server, and your rank in the server. The level of your server depends of your rank in the Qualification phase. If you finish the Qualification phase in the Top 64, you will be place in the Server Type 1 of the Knockout mode. If you finish in the Top 10% in Time Attack, then you will be placed in a Server Type 2, and so on…

The table below summarizes the type of server you will find yourself in, and the trophies you can claim.

Knockout Mode Server Type 1 (Top 64) Server Type 2 (Top 10%) Server Type 3 (Top 25%) Server Type 4 (Top 50%) Server Type 5 (Top 100%)
Top 1 1x Trophy 7 6x Trophy 6 3x Trophy 6 7x Trophy 5 4x Trophy 5
Top 2 8x Trophy 6 5x Trophy 6 2x Trophy 6 6x Trophy 5 3x Trophy 5
Top 3 7x Trophy 6 4x Trophy 6 1x Trophy 6 5x Trophy 5 2x Trophy 5
Top 8 6x Trophy 6 3x Trophy 6 7x Trophy 5 4x Trophy 5 1x Trophy 5
Top 32 2x Trophy 6 9x Trophy 5 3x Trophy 5 9x Trophy 4 6x Trophy 4
Top 64 1x Trophy 6 6x Trophy 5 1x Trophy 5 6x Trophy 4 3x Trophy 4

Frequently Asked Questions

The corners of my screen are blinking red, help?

This is a warning that you're currently facing elimination in case your position does not change until the end of the round.

I have been knocked out, what next?

First of all, don't be upset! Getting knocked out in Cup Of The Day happens even to the best players most of the time. You can now either choose to leave the server or you may spectate the rest of your division's match until a winner has been crowned.

Author: Chris92